Each year the UK throws away 600 million batteries. According to the DirectGov website, over 12,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions could be avoided if the UK can meet its recycling target of at least 45 per cent of batteries.
Each battery can be disassembled with the retrieved materials being used to make something new.
Batteries can be found in every room of the house. In fact every Briton uses about 10 batteries a year.
From February 2010, all shops that sell more than one pack of batteries a day have a legal obligation to provide a container for shoppers to recycle old batteries. Recycling your old batteries can help to protect the environment.
This simple container from H & O Plastics can be used in homes, shops, businesses to collect used batteries. The 5L transparent container is ideal for collecting batteries at smaller outlets in line with your legal obligations.
When the battery bucket gets full, simply take the contents to a household waste recycling centre. Alternatively, there are collection points at supermarkets and DIY centres.
These 5L transparent containers could also be used in homes, schools to collect old, used pens and markers. The tops and casings are easily recycled. The art materials manufacturer, Crayola, will accept returns by mail. In fact, if you contact them then they will send you a postage label which makes returns really easy. Conveniently, Crayola will also accept other makes of pens. Remember to remove the ink inserts first.